- How long will it take for my order to arrive? It depends on what part of the world you are ordering from. Our suppliers are in Asia, so typical shipping times to non-asian countries are between 2-3 weeks. However, shipping can take up to 5 weeks or longer if items are held in customs.
- What if my shirt doesn't fit or I'm not happy with it? We have a 30 day, no questions asked, return policy.
- Can I exchange an item? Yes. To facilitate the exchange, please contact us through our contact page or send an email to admin@pachoshirts.com.
- Do you offer expedited shipping? Unfortunately, our suppliers do not offer expedited shipping at this time.
- What is the best way to care for my shirt? It depends on the material, but for most of our products, we recommend dry cleaning. If you are not able to dry clean, we recommend washing the garment in cold water on the gentle cycle and then letting the garment air dry.
- Some of my favorite products are no longer available? Our products are produced in limited quantities. Some product runs last longer than others. Unfortunately, when a product goes out of production, it is unlikely to return.